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Digital Nomad & Family

The one who wants something, looks for a way & the one who does not want, looks for a reason. That was my approach to the caravan idea. I wanted to solve this maze, this unanswered question. As the caravan looks like a great solution for family travels. Kids are growing fast and I don't want to miss their childhood.

I want to shape my girls childhood. Not everybody has the opportunity to travel while working, so I don't want to leave this chance in the bin. I want to spend a lot of time with my great wife and somehow enjoy each & every day.

Many people fear that travelling with kids is complex and difficult. It could somehow be that way, as I described in one older post.

There's the golden rule — The one who wants something, looks for a way & the one who does not want, looks for a reason.

Caravan, in my eyes, is ideal for family travels. You keep all your required tools and stuff with you — toys, bath tub, dryer, diapers, bottles, vacuum flasks, inflatable boat and even push bikes. You don't have crazy space limits as with regular car. And if needed, you can make lunch on the street or parking lot in no time.

Let's Slow Down

The most important thing, that caravan forces its owner to do is slow down of life while increasing its intensity. With a speed limit of 80 km/h (50 mph) and average speed around 50 km/h (31 mph) you need to switch planning from hours to days. And then, if you arrive to your destination on the correct day, you're on time! No doubt about that I fell in love with that switch.

Caravan 80/kmh Speed

With Caravan you usually can drive only up to 80/kmh

Still Having Doubts

Campsites are places where many people could create significant noise or lower the comfort of our stay in different ways. Campsites could be expensive, crowded or unclean. But that could partially be solved by boondocking that is allowed in some countries in Europe while others strictly forbid that. Spain and Greece being amongst those with highest respect. And Croatia with France being countries with more limits.

Also — there could be other problems. I could find out, that new environment does not allow me to concentrate on my webdesign work. Or cabin fever can jump in. But, we have extensive experience with home office, so not much worries on this front.

Bathtub in an Airstream

Bathtub in an Airstream Travel Trailer

And this is critical — in majority of caravans, with some exceptions, there's no bath tub. Bath tub is my favourite relaxation tool so I'd miss that. Also, in campsites there are shared toilets and bathrooms that are preferred unless you like to carry water back and forward to your caravan or RV. I also don't want to have TV there as that's proven time eater. And finally, money spent on campsites, same like with rent, are immediately wasted.

Anyway. No fear!

The Breaking Point

As what I remember, the initial idea was to build a moving office that we had with team at Pixmac stock photo agency, which was later transformed into officially sounding “agency on wheels”. This is how it could look. But it never really happened.

Agency on Wheels at Pixmac

Agency on Wheels idea at Pixmac

Then I found my friends Roberts initiative in Facebook group of Czech Digital Nomads. They had an idea of moving smart people into one place and it became a rather big movement that coordinates trips to Canary Islands every winter.

It's important to keep in mind, that kids would go to school and my wife would not be on maternity leave forever. So it's kind of a time window that allows us to travel with no obstructions and no remarks. — Take it or leave it.

What's it Gonna Be in the Caravan

  • huge amount of travels
  • mountain lookouts, sea views, cities, roads
  • hut anywhere we want
  • playful environment in campsites, for kids
  • Nespresso coffee – same like at home
  • more fun at work

One Last Detail to Fix

The last important piece of the puzzle is — to find a massive passive income stream. For example one that Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill had back in 1983.

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By Vita • August 2012

Vita, co-founder of Camperguru, and his family traveled around Europe for over a decade. Starting with a caravan trailer and later upgrading to a more maneuverable van, they partially raised their children on the road. Vita is the co-founder of Camperguru and contributes to camping in Europe with his maps and other freebies. He is always willing to help with all things camping.

Check 84 Verified spots at Camperguru by Vita.

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