Nomadic Stories from Around the World
Summer nicely accelerated all the changes. I wouldn’t believe that caravan would work so great. We started two years ago and I already know about a couple of new caravan travellers. I also know about Transporter guys and few other wannabes. Some are also changing from alcove to fully integrated RV.
And in fact this exploration has just began. I ain’t no specialist on technical aspects. I just needed to sort my thoughts and this gently motivating series is a result of this.
Ideas from Sicily (Part 1)
Isn’t it just great? I am fascinated how a simple thought is living on its own. Of course, there is no guarantee that it will be the same roller-coaster for you as it was for us. It is a life-changing experience, absolutely. So think twice: Is commuting to nine to five is what you dreamt about at school?
We have discovered as well, that it is very hard to leave for trips longer than month — but we are not afraid, we have to fight it! Stories of others are a proof that it is possible.
Ideas from Sicily (Part 2)
Nomads of the new millennium
If you are interested in the life on wheels topic, I have here one interesting point. Recent bachelor graduate Pavla Jenstchkova has broken down the whole issue. Bachelor thesis: Nomads of new millennium in PDF (in Czech).
Several interesting question Pavla asked me:
How are your trips going?
Nice and easy. The day is arranged the same way as at home. It is mostly subjected to children’s needs (diapers, food, bathing). My wife is taking care of kids, I work on a computer. From time to time we go shopping to the town or go exploring. If the campsite is at the seaside, I go into water several times in a day.
What is the strongest experience from your traveling?
The opportunity to be in nature and at the same time have my household at hand. Be every time at a different place while being home all the time. Solve mundane needs (water, waste, toilets) in new context. Slowing down our traveling greatly, leaving highways and so more intense exploring
How do you assess your experience gained on the trips?
Positively. It is definitely a crucial life experience. My first trip without parents I did with my friends was in 2002 and since than, traveling is a necessity for my self-development. Environment of our country soon became quite funny – I got bigger picture a and stopped caring for petty things.
When do you decide to go back home? After a certain time, due to recovery, due to financial matters or after you reached your dreams?
When no more letters can fit into our letterbox:) In fact the impetus for going home are generally some administration duties. Necessity to sign something or the full letterbox mentioned above. Or we allocate some time for our trip and we stay with it.
Have you ever traveled with an agency?
Once in 2002. With Karosa bus to Greece – through Bulgaria. Full board (70% fresh melon) for € 250 for 14 days. Sleeping in tent.
You have knowledge and experience from your travels. How do you perceive western society?
It is far too much, but from logical reasons, performance-oriented and focused on “making a living”. Thanks to this attitude the opportunity for experience for majority of population is limited. Slowing down in caravan helps to enhance this enjoying, because positive experience lasts longer. I begin to enjoy everyday things much more – good coffee, sitting with my family, shoveling snow away, small-talks. But this is in direct contrast with the ability to make enough money, so that I would have time for these things.
How would you specify your life-style?
- If you have the opportunity, don’t do the same thing as everybody else.
- If you earn something, use it for experience that no one will take away from you.
- If you can, help others.
- If you know how, advise others how would you solve the situation.
- If you have the opportunity to raise profit and reduce effort – go for it without prejudices.
Do you have a life strategy to follow?
Build passive income and take start enjoying before I hit thirty. I did not make it 🙂
How do you see yourself as an old man?
Limping, dried, with a pole and gray hair.
Inspirational traveling stories
You are still not packing and you are interesting what others do? There is nothing better than to read travel stories. And there is plethora of them. I will pick a few, that have stuck in my mind.
Around the World in Trabant
The most known travel group nowadays. Two yellow Trabants and couple of other adventurers are going to places where regular cars have no chance. Thanks to Dan Pribáň I know that getting a car into South America costs 3600 EUR one way. I was researching North America and it wss around 1200 EUR.
Around the World in Skoda MB
Do you like to take Czechoslovakian prides around the world? Nice ride around the world in a car of the old times. Aerodynamic Škoda 1000 MB. And two young and experienced travelers inside are going for an unusual journey.
Apalucha Expedition
Do you want to get out of your comfort zone? Relentless traveling team that inspired me mostly by their trip to Turkey and even further. Also photographs and notices from trips at OnTheRoad are priceless and I believe they come handy for next travels.
Vláďa Větrovský
Are you a freelance artist and workshop entrepreneur? Go into France. I met Lada by accident in Burimex. We were both preparing for a big trip to France. Both with our families in caravans and we were both taken aback that we are not alone.
The Goal is the Journey
Are you studying and do you want to see the world? Beautiful low-cost trip escapes from mundane reality. Two guys in an old Transporter went on the Silk Road all the way to Thailand. On their own. And it was not boring at all. They made astonishing 42.000 km.
Toyota Adventure
Do you have more time than others and you love wilderness? To go round the world in Toyota LandCruiser is definitely an idea to consider and to follow. You can find tons of interesting photos and videos from different parts of the world. Very inspirational.
Petr Horký
Are you searching for locations for your next film? Film creator from Piranha Film, a documentarist and a traveler, who is also giving lectures on unusual traveling. I was attracted by his article in “Žlutý” on-board train magazine.
Family Without Borders
Polish family was already awarded several times for their blog on travels in different parts of the world. They even manage to attract some sponsors. They were traveling around Black Sea and through Central America.
Mali Mish
I already mentioned this Californian family. Recently we have met several other American families (such as,, which are traveling in Airstream as well. They went together through national parks in western US and Canada.
Wonderful story. Family sold their house and a lot of stuff, so they can focus on what’s important. The story is very similar to ours, it is translated into English with added American details.
Michelle and Ryan from Pond5
Colleagues from Pond5 decided to go through America on a bike and they are crazy as well. As far as I remember, the longest distance, with baggage, I have ever ridden on a bike is around 120km, but I would not have made this.
Small Summer Traveling
By the way, with Tom from we made several short trips around Czech republic and we have found out, that you can find good quality camps here as well. For example Dutch Camping 2000 in northern Bohemia or Camping Oase near Prague.
As true geeks, we have visited the factory, where Airstreams are handmade in England. It was great experience showing us, why Airstreams are so popular. But when considering value (price/performance ratio) I am not that optimistic. You can see that Wally Byam’s legacy lives on.
Call: Send your Stories!
If you have delved into traveling on your own, have a couple of photos with a short report how you did it, leave me a message. It will be a great inspiration for others. Let’s explore the world together and learn to see the life in the bigger picture.