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Marty The Van

Officiële ambassadeur

Marty is more than just a DIY van; he’s the mobile base for Radka, Adam, and their adventurous dog, Arnold. Together, they’ve explored the diverse landscapes of Western Europe, ventured to the remote reaches of Nordkapp via Scandinavia, and enjoyed the milder winters of California. Radka and Adam have embraced the digital nomad lifestyle, working remotely from Europe’s scenic corners. Radka has also co-founded, a platform that catalogs many destinations they’ve discovered along the way.

Europe 6 plaatsen

Verified spots by Marty The Van

Parkeerplaats Njervessanden parking
Njervessanden parking
18.869+ kampeerders gebruiken Camperguru
Gratis overnachting

Geheime kampeerplek

NoorwegenWord Premium+ lid en ontgrendel 42 verborgen juwelen

Ontgrendelen 42 plekken

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Upper Class Gear

Gear maximizing your experiences in the wild outdoors

Our ambassadors hand-selected the highest quality & most endurant gear that they use themselves. Exclusive sellection of renowned providers delivering to your home or camper.

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